Serena Miller,
Board Member


“helping children lead better lives”

A former birth coach, Waldorf Education Specialty Instructor, and founder of River Oak Charter School, Miller says her focus has always been on educating and nurturing at-risk children. Knowing firsthand that traditional education “isn’t a good fit for everyone,” Miller has spent much of her adult life “helping children lead better lives in this world.” She self-identifies as an artistic type who works well with other like-minded creatives; at Hearthstone, she has collaborated with artists like Gail Rushmore Nidros, and was instrumental in creating the 2020 Survival Fund. Outside of Hearthstone, Miller is a Certified Transpersonal Body/Mind Therapist, Certified Instructor of Siddha Vaidya Therapies, and Certified iRest Yoga Nidra Meditation Instructor. She is currently writing a book titled Namaste’s Invisible Gift - Reveal Your Inner Purpose