The Health Clinic and Community Center in Baja California Sur

We partner with Tu Hogar en El Cardonal A.C., a Mexican non-profit civil association. Our volunteers built a health clinic that has become a community center over time. It also operates as an emergency shelter in the rural community of El Cardonal, Baja California Sur, Mexico.

Activities and Objectives of Tu Hogar

In October of 2011, Hearthstone Village and Tu Hogar celebrated the Grand Opening of our Casa Communitaria/Community House in El Cardonal. After many years of community organizing, fundraising and volunteer labor our beautiful clinic and shelter opened to the public. Now the clinic has become a community center (since the government opened a health clinic nearby) and is thriving and managed by the local community. Hearthstone Village takes a backseat role these days.

We continue to have joint board meetings and support ongoing projects like book/library donations, watercolor painting classes, and supplementing transportation to the new high school in Los Barrilles. We also developed a team of first-responders that utilize our ambulance to care for the community in emergencies. The Casa Communitaria is a safe public shelter during hurricanes with storage for emergency staples for when the community is cut off from the outside world. Our building is under improvement with gates, a pump house, playground, and a mural in process.

Tu Hogar and Hearthstone also have a community service project to help an impoverished family with a developmentally disabled child who has complicated special needs.

This is an adventure in cultural exchange and service. We continue to fundraise for this community.